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Welcome to the Heart of the Community!
Here at Bilton Hall CIO, we connect, support and develop our community members and spaces. Offering a warm and welcoming centre to learn new skills, meet new people and support small, local businesses. From boxing to mental health support, we have got you covered! Pop down, call or message our page for anymore information.
Summer holiday plans now taking shape! More information to follow...GET BOOKED ON TO OUR REGULAR WEEKLY SESSIONS (find below in our timetable):
01914898224New and upcoming events:
Welcoming Places Community Support Day!
9th February 2025
Bilton Hall Community Trust& Northern Gas Networksare bringing the community together with a FREE event packed with advice, support, and fun for the whole family!
#COawareness #PSRFamuly Fun Day
2nd June 2024
Community @ Bilton and Bilton Hall will work toghether for Jarrow Festival and bring a fantastic family fun day for all to enjoy.
2-5pm on sunday they will be a range of stalls, bouncy castles and much more.
photos will be taken on day .
The onsite bar (Taunton's Bar) will be open
CAFE - Tauntons Kafe and Bar
Brilliant community cafe offering affordable home-made meals during the week, round the world food delivered on the nights and the much talked about Sunday lunch service.
Open :Kafe -Tuesday - Friday 10-2:30pm
Bar - Friday Social 7-11pm
Private hire for parties and events
*Considering Sunday lunchs in the near future*
Porlock Community Gardens
Get involved in a great community project
After years of trying to obtain acess to this local site, now is the time to get active and take part in a new community proect!
With funding secured from 'levelling up Fund' South Tyneside Council have helped invest in some of the infostructure to bring this project alive.
Weekly sessions with volunteers leading Tuesdays from 11am
NEW! Uppercuts Barbers
With the support and backing of the local community, one of our home boxers have been able to open shop and chase a dream of theirs! Here, we introduce... Uppercuts.
Message to get booked in.
Whats on
We have a community support drop in on a monday evening - come and speak to Jules if you need support with white goods, energy guidance and referrals to other organisation
3.15-6.45pm every monday.
FREE carbon monixide monitors - you just neve know : https://www.facebook.com/northerngasnetworks/videos/625868225971513/
You can also register for the Priority Service Register (PSR) if you have health related issues and need that additional support from the Utilities providers. https://www.northerngasnetworks.co.uk/.../priority.../
#NorthernGasNetworks #COawarenss #PSRSee less
See ou facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1013586924134421&set=pb.100064493688345.-2207520000&type=3
Current Activities
Whats on
Join Us for for the following weekly activities
Porlock Gardens
Open Day
Porlock Gardens
Porlock Gardens in Low Simonside is the culmination of the aspirations of locals and small community businesses alike. Its inception was born from a shared desire to create a space that would breathe new life into our community and offer a range of exciting possibilities.
Click the link to our facebook page dedicated to Porklock Gardens
Our Rooms
Check out our rooms available for hire
Main Hall
Multi Functional Space
Great for classes, Sports, Fitness and Education. Available to hire for parties.
Family Room
Learning and Crafts Room
A nice, bright space that includes a kitchentte. Great for meeting space, training classes and creative groups
Cr8ive Space
Multi Use Room
A hard wood floor area suitable for fitness and sports classes, parties and more
Our Centre
Below are all of the businesses and organisations which make up our amazing community centre. Press any logo for more information.
Deans Stobbs MWP Music Room
A brilliant music tutor, with 25years plus in mental health service. 121, group session and events leading.
Kundalini Yoga
Manage the energy within your body in a relaxed space.
with 2o years in mental health, Dean now approachs life with music after completing his PHD in music.
Private and group session work available : https://www.facebook.com/dean.stobbs
The history of Bilton Hall!
Bilton Hall Community Trust was originally set up as Low Simonside Community Association in 1979, a former school site which transferred to the now Simonside Primary School in Jarrow. The Trust is now a registered charity (1171907) since March 6th, 2017.
The Trust was formed to develop and manage the Community Centre with the aim of turning it into a successful, self-sustaining centre, providing the community with somewhere they can come to learn, relax and engage in activities.
The Trust is in the process of completing a community asset transfer and agreeing a 40 year peppercorn lease with South Tyneside Council.
Gradually over time, the Trust will invested in the Community Centre, securing capital grants and fundraising to improve the facilities. With further grant funding established in future will look to secure staff to help manage the site.
Today the community centre is a thriving with around 20,000 visits from the South Tyneside community per year.
The Trust is on its way to a 100% financial sustainability by maximising the income generation techniques above and this will allow the organisation to become less grant funded reliant and more financially secure for future generations to benefit from the centre.
Joanna Tuck – Community Development Manager
Take a look and enjoy!
Take a look and enjoy!
Thank you to NE32 Media Hub for creating a fantastic recap of events and creating ever lasting memories.
Take a look and enjoy!
Take a look and enjoy!
Thank you to NE32 Media Hub for creating a fantastic recap of events and creating ever lasting memories.
Photos & videos events we hold or take part in.
Who Funds Us
A list of funders who have supported our organisation
- Contact UsDon't be afraid to reach out.
© 2019